種類...外国貨幣/硬貨\r国...アメリカ\r\rObverse\rThe portrait in left profile of George Washington, the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797.\r\rScript: Latin\r\rLettering:\rUNITED STATES OF AMERICA\rIN\rGOD WE\rTRUST\rLIBERTY P\rJF WC\rQUARTER DOLLAR\r\rEngravers: John Flanagan, William Cousins\r\rReverse\rThe reverse design depicts a red mangrove tree in an early stage of its life cycle, as it evolves from a very small plant to an adult tree. The design brings awareness to the park’s endangered mangrove forests and the unique and delicate nature of how the species reproduces in salt water.\r\rScript: Latin\r\rLettering:\rSALT RIVER BAY\rU.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS\r2020\rE PLURIBUS UNUM\r\rPhiladelphia Mint.\r\rEngravers: Joseph Menna, Richard Masters\r\rEdge\rReeded\r\r#KIMIcoins\r#Old coins \r#Quarterdollar\r#Commemorative\r#UScent